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It's about the boys and girls - how can we make a future worth living for them?

about us

How should one help the children?

Human rights and civil rights must once again take precedence over commercial law and the law of the sea!

Truth must be respected and not ostracized!

The family as the smallest unit of the state must be protected!

Love is the key - courage is the door.

Who is funding us?

This question has been bothering the press for weeks:

An old saying goes: You don't talk about money!

As an initiative by people for people, built on love and hope, we are non-religious, non-party and not subordinate to or close to any organization of any kind.


Private donors and entrepreneurs are very welcome as donors!


We do not receive grants from parties, organizations or communities / countries / states or churches / sects!  


And that will remain so.


For one simple reason:  



Legal basisaccording to Wikipedia Russia

(Automatic translation)

According to  Article 123.17 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a fund

a unified non-profit, non-membership organization founded by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property donations and non-profit, cultural, educational or other socially beneficial goals.

That  transferred to the foundation  capital  is  Property of  Foundation, endowment. the  Donors in turn  be liable  not for that  Obligations of  Foundation, just like the Foundation for the obligations of its benefactors. Foreclosure on the property of any person who has been paid into the Fund is not possible. The foundation uses the property for those in the  statute  specified purposes and is obliged to publish annual reports on the use of its assets. The name of this organization should contain the name and the word “foundation”. The decision on the dissolution of the foundation is only made by the  court  and exclusively at the request of  Affected hit. ... The foundation is a non-profit association. Therefore, the circle of its founders is usually not large. The founders themselves do not receive any privileges, let alone profit. There is no membership in the fund and no contracts. There is only one charter. The founder is not liable for the fund's debts, as the fund is an independent, independent organization and is able to meet its own obligations and, in the cases provided for by law, to generate funds itself. Therefore, the "lure" of the funds to get into business is great. In order to control the activities of the funds, a board of trustees was created, which is also the management body of the fund. The prerequisite for the council is its external education.

"Freedom is not the arbitrariness to act at will, but the ability to act sensibly." (Rudolf Virchow)

Learning and Research - Speech given by Rudolf Virchow when he took office at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin on October 15, 1892.


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