We would like to thank all the German media, who have spared no effort over the last few weeks to report on us and have donated a six-digit number of advertising costs to us.
Even if the reporting was in the usual, condescending subjunctive form, full of speculation and attempted meanness that should discredit us ...
the response to this was incredible!
People across Europe became aware of us, offer us their prayers in these difficult times, would like to make their property or parts of it available, ask where they can donate or also want to use this form of education for their descendants.
Dear fellow human beings, mothers, fathers, grandmas and grandpas, entrepreneurs and everyone who feels addressed!
Like all other organizations, we are financially challenged, but we are not funded like most other organizations in the world.
If you like what we are doing and want to support this nascent new grassroots movement, then we will be filled with joy and we will carefully honor every cent / ruble and invest it for the benefit of the youngest.
Building such a new world is a challenge.
Entrepreneurs who would like to donate and would like to do so publicly are happy to be linked here with a link on our page to their own homepage.